SAC Juniors and Inters (attendees must pre-book via the Juniors WhatsApp Group)
Tuesday: 7pm to 8pm.
Winter months we meet at Steyning Primary School hall / Leisure Centre Tennis Courts
Summer months we meet at the Clubhouse on Charlton Street.
We have a number of qualified coaches who are all DBS checked
Roger Flynn.
Juniors Coach: Level 3 Performance coach
Level 2 events including endurance, jumps and throws.
Malcolm Geal.
Juniors: Level 2 Performance coach with same events.
Sue Weekes.
Juniors: Level 2 Performance coach with same events.
Narise Carey.
Juniors: Assistant Coach. Leader in Running Fitness.
Juliet Starbuck.
Inters Coach: Level 2 BTF Coach.
Camilla Bishop.
Inters: Leader in Running Fitness.
Get in touch with the Steyning AC Juniors or Inters leaders via Contact Us.
Contact details for SAC Welfare Officer are steyningacwelfareofficer@gmail.com
SAC Juniors 7-11 years old
Taking part in general athletics
– Running (sprint and endurance)
– Jumping
– Throwing
– Basic skills (agility, balance and co-ordination)
To Join, add your child to the waiting list and wait to be invited along to a session.
Any queries please email sacjuniortraining@gmail.com
SAC Inters 12-17 years old
Taking part in sessions to improve fitness, endurance and technique.
Any queries, or to join, email sacinterstraining@gmail.com
All sessions take place on Tuesday evenings 7pm – 8pm, weekly booking in for all juniors is done via the WhatsApp groups